Minutes of the Oregon Poetry Association (OPA) Board Meeting of June 6, 2022
The meeting was scheduled to begin at 6:30 pm via Zoom.
Present: Sue Fagalde Lick (President), Nancy Christopherson (Vice President and Adult Contest Chair), Dan Liberthson (Secretary), Rana Tahir (Treasurer and Webmaster), Dave Mehler (Membership Chair and Publications Liaison), Lauren Mallett (Cascadia Contest Chair), Lorna Rose-Hahn (Membership Co-Chair, Outreach Chair, Events Committee Chair), Efraín Diaz-Horna (at-large)
Not Present: Priscilla Hunter (Historian).
I. Sue called the meeting to order at 6:34 pm.
II. Approval of Minutes
Approval of the May 10, 2022 OPA board meeting minutes was moved and seconded, and the board voted unanimously to approve.
III. Officer Reports
A. President’s Report (Sue Fagalde Lick)
1. Sue attended a Silverton Poetry Association event that included a birdwatching hike, lunch, and a poetry workshop. The association has given up their 501c(3) status because of the complexity of record-keeping requirements, but will continue presenting poetry events.
2. The National Federation of State Poetry Societies (NFSPS) has requested for their annual conference a list of OPA members who died last year. Sue mentioned Erik Muller and Ann Staley; Efraín added Larry Anderson from Silverton.
3. NFSPS is electing its officers. Anybody in member state poetry organizations can vote in this election. Instructions can be found on-line on the NFSPS website.
4. Slamlandia, which is sending a slam poet to represent the OPA at the NFSPS slam contest in October, is satisfied with the $1000 contribution from OPA approved last month. They will also solicit additional contributions.
B. Vice President (Nancy Christopherson)
No Report
C. Secretary (Dan Liberthson)
No report.
D. Treasurer (Rana Tahir)
OPA’s current bank balance is $49,696.49.
E. Historian’s Report (Priscilla Hunter)
No report
IV. Committee Reports
A. Social Media/Events (Lorna Rose-Hahn)
Lorna has opened a new OPA Instagram account with the user name oregonpoetryassn. Members and others can follow OPA and be followed by OPA. The Instagram account should help OPA reach a new and expanded audience, as many people in the poetry world are switching from Facebook to Instagram.
B. Membership and Publications Liaison (Dave Mehler)
The OPA has 327 members.
C. Adult Contest Chair (Nancy Christopherson)
The adult poetry contest will start on schedule on August 1, with on-line notice to submit. The theme is The Moon and the form is The Golden Shovel.
D. Youth Contest Report Summary (Lauren Mallett)
Notice of the online Cascadia publication has been placed on the website and other social media.
E. Webmaster (Rana Tahir)
Book reviews are getting done and regularly posted.
V. Old Business
A. Nancy reports that the June 21 songwriting workshop has 12 attendees registered.
B. Dave reports that the nominating committee, now comprised of Dave, Lauren, and Emmett Wheatfall, has recruited four nominees for OPA board membership. Dave will send the ballot out on September 1.
C. The Banta Prize selection committee, now being assembled, so far comprises Lorna and Efraín. A search is underway for a third committee member who is not on the current board.
D. Verseweavers readings are planned for July 26 and August 9 at 7 pm, assuming the book is available by then. Promotion will be arranged.
E. Annual Conference planning
1. The conference committee (Dave, Sue, and Rana) have met on Zoom. Jessica Mehta has accepted their invitation to be the keynote speaker. Three proposals for workshops have been received via Submittable, and notice of the need for workshop proposals has been posted on the website and social media.
2. After discussion, it was decided that no bylaws changes are necessary, and consequently there will be no vote on bylaws changes at the annual conference.
3. Efraín moved that OPA will pay $200 for workshop presenters and $300 for the keynote speakers at the annual conference. Dan seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved. The conference theme is Poetry in Troubled Times.
F. Sue will host an OPA table at the Willamette Writers Resources for Writers Fair at 6 pm on August 4 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Portland. This table will be open to the public.
VI. New Business
Dave proposed that the board consider offering 3 to 5 fee wavers of membership dues and contest entry fees for people with economic constraints, and provide public notice of the availability of these waivers. Thus, people unable to pay dues or fees could still join and participate. The candidate and recipient names would need to be anonymous. For the sake of confidentiality, a specific website would be established for nominations of people to receive these awards. The Treasurer or Membership Chair would supervise the process and keep the names confidential. The OPA could solicit donations earmarked for these waivers. Rana added that the OPA could also budget money for the waivers, so they would always be funded.
VIII. Announcements
The next board meeting will be on July 12 at 6:30 pm.
IX. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 7:47 pm.
Minutes recorded and prepared by Dan Liberthson, Secretary