Board Minutes December 11, 2016


December 11, 2016


Tiel, Richard, Lisa, Joy, Lynn, Shirley and Dorothy on line


Minutes: How detailed to make OPA minutes? A suggestion was made to keep them somewhat detailed. Members were concerned about attaching names to discussion. Motions should be general. Any member can always request their name be attached to an action item.


A question was raised regarding an OPA response to new members who join. OPA will follow up on this in the next meeting. Membership chair will be asked to report regarding a routine acknowledgment to new members.


Financial reports: Treasurer has not yet received November 2016 month end statement from bank. Approximately $1700 remains in the checking account. The Marion County Cultural Development check (designated funds) was received for Marion County unit reading series. The University of Oregon reimbursed OPA for September reception expense.


In Patricia Banta’s Estate OPA is listed as one of six beneficiaries of 10% of the residual estate. OPA will be told of the exact amount in the coming year.


The treasurer received another inquiry regarding including OPA in a member’s estate. This member was interested in providing for a poetry prize i.e. funding for adult contest by having a “named category”. President and Treasurer will meet with this individual to discuss options.


Student Contest Grant: Board members received drafts of application. $500 cost to use one room in the capitol building. Collins Foundation grant to be signed and submitted this week. No word on result until February 2017. The treasurer has a backup grant source identified.


Venue for student contest award ceremony at capitol is filling up rapidly. Treasurer will check on cancellation fees and reservation rate. The last weekend in April and the first in May will be investigated. President will contact capitol staff regarding another exhibit of winning poems.


Student Contest Chair will be judging poems in early January utilizing poets and teachers.


2017 Fall OPA Conference update: University Place Hotel is reserved for October 13, 14, and 15th. A formal proposal/contract will be forwarded to OPA. The room rate for attendees would be $84 per night. $15 per night for parking. Full breakfast is included in that rate. The available meeting space will work for our purposes. Three board members made an on-site visit.


The President proposes we contact Emmet Wheatfall as our keynote speaker. His approach to poetry will likely be much less academic than past speakers.


Lifetime Memberships: We currently have 296 members of whom 17 are life members. Should OPA limit lifetime memberships to a percentage of total membership or keep the option open? The board decided to enhance the draft copy of criteria for making this award and consider the topic at a future meeting.


Oregon Conversation Project: President is resending a link via email regarding this project. The question is whether OPA should sponsor a conversation. Organizations and or businesses would utilize a speaker on the topic of the humanities. OPA would find space and publicize it. There is an option to host events in different locations in the state. Suggestions were made to combine this with a reading. Rates are reasonable ($125) for 3 conversations. Lodging is the responsibility of the sponsoring agency. Information on travel will be obtained.


OPA must apply by April 1 for the May 1 thru August 31 window for a conversation. The first contact is with the speaker who lives in Bend. Board members will check with local libraries for availability and interest. Treasurer will contact Oregon Humanities regarding associated costs.


Two OPA board members are attending non-profit association training on January 21, 2017.


Discussion of OPA policy for adult contest. Poems out of compliance will be addressed as follows, “Award will be recalled if a winning poem is withdrawn or found to be in violation of rules before publication in Verseweavers anthology of prize poems, and lower prizes and honorable mention will move up in classification.” Motion passed.


A request has been received from an Idaho citizen to locate a 1980s lost poem by a Willamette Valley Poets member. Past OPA presidents from the area will be contacted.


Membership Drive: Discussion postponed to next month.


January OPA board meeting date: Sunday, January 8, 2017 1-4 PM

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