OREGON POETRY ASSOCIATION board meeting minutes: Sunday 12-3PM December 17, 2017
board members participating by SKYPE: Lisa, Joy, Shirley, Lynn, Erik, Charles, Diane, Bruce, Stella and Dale (alternate.)
REPORTS ON CURRENT PROJECTS: Discussion and unanimous vote to increase adult spring contest entry fee for members from $7 to $8 and non-members $10 to $15. Student Contest entries are arriving, most are from the high school level. Awards ceremony will be held in the Ken Long Room at the Bob Keefer Center in Springfield on Saturday, April 28 from 1 to 3 PM. We have budgeted $750 for refreshments.
The membership co-chairs will be sending out renewal information in the next two months. March 1 is our single renewal date. Postcards will be mailed to those members needing to renew. The deadline is approaching (mid-January) for OPA to submit our $3 per member dues to NFSPS. OPA must also send a current membership list by March 1 to keep our members eligible for the annual NFSPS contest
OPA has approximately 247 dues-paying members and 13 lifetime members for a total membership of 260. 95 members reside in greater Portland, 47 in S. Oregon, 43 in the Eugene/Springfield area, 35 in central-valley, 17 East of the Cascades, 12 on the coast and 9 out-of-state. 29 members identify themselves as willing to volunteer for OPA activities. Outreach by local units may help increase membership.
OPA will co-host with the Springfield Library two poets who will read April 7, 2018. Four poets associated with OPA will present a North Bend Poetry reading on February 10, 2018. The North Bend Library is hosting and doing the press for this event. The newsletter will publicize this reading online as an OPA event when details are made available.
The fall 2018 OPA conference is planned for Eugene on the last weekend of September when there is no conflict with a local football game. The plan is for a Saturday and Sunday conference. Shirley is working with Valley River Inn to reserve the dates. The conference room fee is $300, but we must spend at least $2000 in food and beverages with a 22% additional fee. A keynote speaker needs to be identified.
The OPA board must decide how much to raise the conference registration fee. Each board member was asked to research what other conferences charge.
The key for the OPA PO Box is held by Diane. Deposit procedure is working. Donor tabs were added to links for Submittable on Facebook and Web Page. We have already received donations. Tax letters have gone out to donors as part of the Submittable process.
The treasurer will prepare a financial report, in consultation with past-president Tiel Aisha Ansari, once she has access to the account, most likely in January. The treasurer will be sending out bank signature cards to the approved signers, and a certified resolution form for the secretary to sign and have notarized.
DISCUSSION: NEWSLETTER, WEBPAGE, FACEBOOK, COMMUNICATIONS: Group communications are an issue for OPA. Refining the process may be possible. There are different payoffs for Email versus Facebook modes. The value of a private Facebook page for OPA members was reviewed. Social media often appeals to younger poets and persons removed from population centers. Motion made and passed for OPA to explore a private Facebook page as a trial run. OPA Facebook traffic is up. The OPA webpage needs to be upgraded for navigation. Dale volunteered to work on this project. OPA newsletters currently do not go to members without email addresses. The newsletter chair plans to remedy this situation.
OPA will utilize bookmarks and letterhead to assist with branding for OPA events. Design and message for the bookmarks will be reviewed by Dale and presented to board members via email.
NFSPS contacted state associations to solicit contest judges. This is not an open call, but NFSPS would appreciate receiving names of qualified individuals.
The OPC representatives met to review OPA’s agreement with the Knight Library (U of 0) for the Oregon Poetry Collection. A meeting between OPA representatives and the Knight Library staff will take place in early January to smooth procedures for donations of books. The meeting will also explore a proposed poetry contest sponsored by OPA and the University and update the committee on cataloguing of the Oregon Poetry Collection and access to the collection. Special access during the 2018 fall conference will be requested.
NON-PROFIT ASSOCIATIONS OF OREGON: Non-profit Associations of Oregon is sponsoring a training workshop on February 3, 2018 in Corvallis. Lisa proposed OPA pay for three board members to attend. The per person fee is approximately $120 plus $10 if lunch provision is desired. A flyer will be mailed to all board members. If a board member is interested in attending, contact Lisa before the end of December. The early registration deadline is January 12, 2018. The OPA treasurer will check that we have a paid-up membership in NAO.
REGIONAL MINI CONFERENCES: Interest has been expressed for a mini-conference in Medford. OPA will assist if asked. Plans for regional mini conferences were discussed. OPA will explore small grant availability to underwrite a series of small conferences. Local volunteers would need to do the ground work.
POET LAUREATE SUGGESTIONS: Nominations can be made up to January 13, 2018. OPA discussed the Poet Laureate process. OPA will inquire for further information.
It is recommended by NAO that OPA review our organization and board policies every three years.
The next OPA board meeting (by SKYPE) is set for 1 to 4 PM Saturday, January 13, 2018.
Meeting adjourned. Minutes respectfully submitted by Joy McDowell, secretary