OPA Board Meeting Minutes – February 2024

February 12, 2024

  1. Call to Order 6:30pm


Bob Sterry, president

Aaron Erhardt, treasurer

Sherri Levine

Kate Ristau, Vice President

Juan Cervantes

David Goodrum

Sharon Johnson

Debra Elisa Wöhrmann, secretary

Resigned: Corine Hughes 

  1. Approve minutes of the last meeting

Sherri moved to accept, and they were accepted. 

  1. Sharon Johnson joined the board.

Aaron moved to appoint her to the board; David seconded this—and it was anonymous.

  1. Officer Reports
  2. President

OPA has a new bank account and $5000 have been left in old account just in the case expenses need to be covered. 

Sue Crawford has been hired as bookkeeper for OPA

We will also be consulting with a CPA

All Classical Music: They are still in the process of moving to their new location. 

Following up on Insurance coverage for all of us: The board will be covered, and the insurance will also cover the conference. 

Dale is working on a cover for the next Verseweaver

Corinne has resigned.

b.       Vice President

Youth Contest is live on Submittable, and all contests are updated. 

c. Treasurer

45,725 is the current balance

Payment for Mile Post 82 has not gone through

A meeting will be rescheduled with the new bookkeeper to get books into good order

We will have a new members push when the 2024 Conference opens

302 current members

Dues to the national org $3/member

d.       Secretary

Will meet up with JB to sign papers

5. Committee Reports

  1. Youth Contest

Sharon has offered to take over the contest

It’s open for submissions

Literary Arts will be having a Youth Poet Laureate

Since Corinne resigned, the other committee members will be working together, along with Sharon, on the Youth Contest

  1. Hispanic Contest

The president asked what Juan (coordinator of Hispanic Contest) would like in a letter addressed to poets, inviting them to enter the Hispanic Contest: Juan suggests something brief, and he will email ideas to Bob

The OPA is doing a special Hispanic Contest because we would like to include more voices.

Judges are being selected. 

A link to Facebook should be published about the contest

  1. Adult Contest

Window for submissions is mid-June and the deadline is August 1

The committee plans to communicate ahead of time so poets have plenty of time to plan for submitting to the contest. 

Judges have been contacted.

  1. Conference

Kate, Bob, and Sue Lick met as the conference committee

Too early to predict the cost of conference

Eight workshop leaders will be needed

Two keynotes are wanted: an energetic opener and a well-established ending keynote. 

Theme: Lines in the Sand


 Regular Members: $150

 Non-Members: $200

 Zoom Attendee: $99

 Student: $60

 Board Members: $150—there was discussion as to whether board members should be invited to attend at a discount since they are working to make the conference happen. 

 Session leaders: Comp

 Contest winners: Comp

 Keynote Speakers: Comp

Publicity should begin: Post a Save-the-date on website and social media

Lorna Rose is still doing Social Media, but the board is responsibility for website

Two Mixers, Sherri and Juan, will be available at conference to help introduce people to each other. 

Catering is under discussion

Meeting with the Hotel ahead of time is a common practice, so the board members might all go out to Agate Beach in the spring. 

  1. Finance

6. Other Business

We need a new board member, and the by-laws say nine members is the max. 

When there is a vacancy, the president can appoint a new member

It was suggested that the by-laws be changed so the OPA can have 11 or 12 board members. 

We need to communicate more clearly the advantages of belonging to OPA: A simple letter would be helpful. 

Remember to talk up OPA at readings and other events.

Mail Chimp or Constant Contact can be used to communicate with big groups: Wild Apricot can do this kind of communication. 

OPA can partner with April poetry events, especially libraries. 

7. Future Meetings:

  • Next Board Meeting: Monday, March 18
  • Contest Committee will meet on Feb. 20 @ 7:30p

Meeting adjourned      7:47pm

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