Dear friends, we are losing six of nine executive board members when their terms expire in October. We need your help. Would you consider a nomination to the OPA board of directors?
Most of the board member activities revolve around policy-setting, contests, and planning our annual conference and other events. Serving on the board starts with wanting to be more involved and connected with what’s happening in the OPA and to be in a position to help promote poetry and poets around the state. There is no better way to become known and to get to know others than by serving on a board and contributing to a nonprofit like this. In addition, you will be able to influence what the organization does and pursue projects dear to your heart. It looks good on your resume, too.
If you have past leadership skills or experience—or if you don’t and you’re willing to learn, I hope you will strongly consider being nominated to serve in this capacity. You must be a member in good standing and be willing to serve. This includes monthly board meetings held on Zoom. For more information, click here.
Would you consider lending a hand and your voice to help direct the future of OPA? The board will assign specific tasks at the first board meeting, Sunday, Oct. 8. Time commitment varies depending on your area of interest and may vary according to season. Please don’t be shy if you have any time and interest!
If you are willing to accept a nomination to the board, email OPA president Sue Fagalde Lick at [email protected] with a little information about yourself and why you would like to be on the board. We will put your name on the ballot, which goes out by email Sept. 15. Winners will be determined Sept. 30, and the new board will be introduced at OPA’s annual conference, which takes place Oct. 7 on Zoom. We could really use your input and direction to help keep OPA running, vibrant, relevant and serving the needs of poetry around the state. Thank you for your consideration!