Retiring Board Members:
Shirley Marc (president); Charles Castle (vice-president); Erik Muller
(secretary); Lynn Otto (treasurer)
Continuing Board Members:
Bruce Parker (Historian and NFSPS liaison, newsletter)
Dale Champlin (Verseweavers editor,
newsletter editor)
Diane Corson (membership outreach)
Stella Jung Guillory (adult poetry contest coordinator)
Jennifer Rood (Banta Award committee chair)
New Members:
Dave Mehler (elected for a 3-year term)
Susan Morse (elected for a 2-year term)
Dan Liberthson (elected for a 3-year term)
Not Present:
Jenn Dawson (elected for a 3-year term)
I. Call to Order
Marc called the meeting to order at 1:20 p.m.
Jennifer Rood will be acting as secretary and taking notes for the meeting.
II. Approval of September 9, 2019 Minutes
It was moved and seconded that
the minutes be accepted as amended.
minutes were accepted by voice vote, without objection.
III. New Business
A. Election of New Officers
was moved and seconded that each of the following Board members become officers
of the
Board. Each motion passed by voice vote,
without objection.
President: Bruce Parker
Vice-President: Jennifer Rood
Treasurer: Jenn Dawson
Secretary: Dan Liberthson
Transfer of Bank Access to New Officers
was moved and seconded that Bruce Parker (new President) and Jennifer Dawson
be added to the Bank of America business checking account as signers, and that
Marc (outgoing President) and Lynn Otto (outgoing Treasurer) be removed from
The motion passed by a voice vote, without objection.
C. Roles Moving Forward
The Board discussed
and agreed to the following roles and responsibilities moving forward:
1. Dave Mehler agreed to take over Charles
Castle’s former duties, including managing
Submittable and the membership
list for MailChimp.
2. Susan Morse agreed to stand in as Secretary
in Dan Liberthson’s absence.
3. Both Susan Morse and Dave Mehler agreed to serve
as a back-up proofreader and
editors for the newsletter, as needed.
4. Shirley Marc will put together a conference
report to submit to the new Board.
will also compile a
volunteer report. Shirley has the
projector and cords for OPA in
her possession
for us to be able to use in future conferences.
She also has the
and notebook for the bookroom.
5. Erik Muller will send minutes from the annual
conference to be approved at the next
IV. Next Board Meeting
The next Board meeting is scheduled for Saturday, October 12 at 2 p.m. via Skype.
V. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 2:30 p.m.