President Shirley Marc presiding.
Banta Award: Jennifer presented the First Annual Ruth Banta Award to David Hedges, with a survey of his contributions, and the gift of a framed broadside and a certificate. David comments.
Annual Report: Lynn summarized the handout, using power point to survey the accomplishments since the last conference, also thanking those involved with specific tasks (some names added into the minutes).
Membership: Members at 316. Charles.
On-line presence: Calendar, reviews, articles. Tiel Ansari.
Newsletter: Bruce, Dale.
Facebook Group: Members at 90. Lynn.
Oregon Poetry Collection: Call for contributions. Joy and Erik.
Cascadia and Student Poetry Contest: Lisa Baldwin, contest and awards; Tiel Ansari, editor and design.
Verseweavers and Adult Poetry Contests: Amy Miller contest chair; Stella assisting with the contest ; Dale, editor and design.
Outreach: Hood River, Diane; La Grande, Erik; Grants Pass-Ashland, Jennifer; November Portland Book Fair, Bruce and Diane.
Treasurer: Banta gift provides financial stability; grants help student contest; call for donors to support a part of OPA’s programs; over $1000 of books sold at last year’s conference. Lynn.
Invitation to become a Board member, Staff, or Volunteer.
Comment from a member: Colette Tennant, Salem, said if conference registration fees for students were lower, she would have encouraged more of her students to attend. To be taken up for consideration.
Elections: Shirley.
Ballots were passed out, with lines for three Board members for a full term and one line for two years. Shirley explained the roles of Board members and Board officers, as well as of supporting staff and volunteers. Mentoring will be provided for technical roles, such as Treasurer and Membership and OPA website.
The following people volunteered:
Three-year term:
David Mehler (Newberg)
Jennifer Dawson (Portland) by earlier communication
Dan Liberthson (Cottage Grove) two-year term
Susan Morse (Salem)
Ballots collected; new Board members elected. The Board has its complement of members.
Shirley thanked Lisa Baldwin and Tiel Ansari for their work on the student contest and Tiel for her work on the OPA website.
Honoring Departing Board Members: Jennifer thanked and presented gifts to Shirley, Lynn, Charles, and Erik.
Additional Recognition: Shirley thanked Tiel Ansari for work on the OPA website and Cascadia. She also thanked Lisa Baldwin for her work on the student contests.
Adjournment: Shirley adjourned the meeting.