Conference Dates: October 13th, 14th, 15th
Emmett Wheatfall headlines as keynote speaker.
Workshops, readings, open mic and more!
Conference Location: University Place Hotel, Portland
310 SW Lincoln Street
Portland, OR 97201
Reserve your room before September 13th and mention the Oregon Poetry Association to get the group rate: $84.00 per night plus 15.3% tax and $15.00 per night parking fee. Call 1-(503)221-0140 or 1-(866)845-4647 before September 13th.
Conference Fee:
$65.00 MEMBERS Early Bird (postmark deadline September 10th)
$75.00 non-members or after deadline (walk-ins at conference time welcome)
Download the registration form:
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Download the schedule: (NB: Schedule subject to last-minute changes. OPA makes every effort to plan in advance, but life happens to our presenters as well as to other people.)
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