I. Call to Order 6:32pm
Present: Sue Fagalde Lick, Nancy Christopherson, Lauren Mallett, Bob Sterry, Lorna Rose-Hahn, Debra Wöhrmann
Absent: Efrain Diaz-Horna, Jade Rosina McCutcheon
II. Approval of Nov. 7, 2022 minutes
III. Resignation of membership chair—still in need of someone.
IV. Officer Reports
- President (Sue): Mid-Valley has received the grant they requested $2385. They will use it for this year’s Poetry in Performance events.
- Historian position—Sue will take on this responsibility.
- Vice President (Nancy): Intern finished on Dec.15 and is now applying to be an editorial assistant for Tin House. She did a good job, and Nancy wrote a recommendation.
- Secretary (Debra): Most mail needs to be forwarded to the Treasurer. Should we
change the P.O. Box to Bend?
D. Treasurer (Melissa): She has been able to access account balance but still does not have the
ability to write checks nor a debit card in her name. She still needs to be added as a “signer” on the account, and coordination with Rana has been difficult.
- Melissa can be issued a debit card, and this is what she has requested from Rana ASAP.
- OPA needs to have a system in place for the transfer of one person to the next as Treasurer and with a secondary name on the account (the president?)
- Board needs to look at the by-laws to see if a system is already outlined
- Bank said that Rana can fill out a signature card and send it to Melissa, and this could expediate the process.
- Melissa will contact Diane Corson, whose name is also on the account, and see if she can help in this process.
- $ 46,346.73 is the current balance.
- Refund to J.V. Foerster is needed because they double-paid.
V. Committee Reports
A. Social Media (Lorna): FB sees the most traffic, and she is trying to post more on
Instagram. She welcomes any suggestions for posts or news.
– Lorna asked the contest coordinators to let her know when she should post information about the contests, and they plan to do so.
– Nancy said our mainstay is our website and the services we provide. Bob agreed.
– Melissa is working in the schools in Bend to encourage more youth participation.
B. Membership: 342 active, 82 overdue, 81 lapsed, 2 new—Sue has been keeping up on this until someone offers to take this on.
- Some problems with the “join” button on the website need to be addressed
- Adult Contests (Nancy)—Goes live Feb. 1st with all the judges lined up and ready to go.
- Debra moved and Lorna seconded a motion to add an additional $1000 for next year’s Adult Contests to equal $5000 in all.
D. Youth Contests—Opens Feb 1-May 1, and Board Members will judge.
- Lauren recommends saving the date: June 1st beginning at 6pm for the winners’ reading on Zoom.
- “Cascadia” is the name of the contest and the online document that will include all youth winners’ poems
- Winners each receive $50
- Contest is unranked
- Last year this event included young people from homeschool and incarcerated youth.
E. Webmaster (Jade/Sue): Sue has been working on it while Jade is out of town.
- Someone has been trying to join via the website without success.
- Minutes need to be posted.
VI . Old Business:
A. Post Office box and merch collection—picked up yet?
– Efrain had planned to pick up merch from Rana. We don’t know if he has done this.
B. Certificates for retiring board members-Nothing has happened
– Efrain is the lead on appreciation certificates.
C. Verseweaver readings-March: No discussion
VII. New business
- Feb. national Haiku Writing Month—nahaiwrimo—want to do something?
- No past events, but maybe Lorna will do something on Social Media.
- Debra suggested posting an invitation to write Haiku and then respond to each other, something like “a river of haiku.” The board agreed it’s a good idea.
- National Poetry Month-April:
- Nancy suggested readings for newly and recently published books (past three years)
be held on Monday nights @ 7pm (April 3, 10, 17, 24) for four weeks in April.
- Debra will investigate an in-person event at McMenamin’s The Kennedy School in NE Portland
- Bob will investigate a possible event at Artichoke Music, but they will need some money
- Oregon poetry collection event in Eugene, maybe next spring—postpone for later
D. 2023 hybrid conference—where? Create committee? Bring in non-board members?
- Nancy would like to have the conference in Pendleton and will look into this venue:
The Pendleton Wildhorse Resort & Casino address is:
46510 Wildhorse Blvd
Pendleton, OR 97801
Ph. 1 800 654 9543
- Proposed date: October 7th
- Melissa will look into the Caldera Arts Center in Sisters as an alternative
- Sue invites any board member interested in having the conference in their town to find a venue and investigate the dates and costs
E. Poetry Readings: 2022 Judges will be invited to read at Verseweaver readings in March.
- Also, newly published poets will be invited to read on every Monday in April
VIII. Next board meeting
Monday February 13, 6:30pm
IX. Adjournment
Sue moved to adjourn the meeting, and Nancy seconded @ 8:08pm
Hello, I was reading your minutes to get an idea about organization activities. I have been trying to join using the online tool, but it is not working. If I select a membership category and then press “next” the category selection clears. I see that an issue has existed all the way back to your meeting. I’ll try to use the paper form and mail membership.
I am so sorry you have run into this problem and that it took so long to get a reply. I have been ill. If you have not yet resolved your membership situation, please email me, Sue Lick, at [email protected] and I’ll make sure you get to join without further ado.